I have been going through a great sadness as my beloved
Brother in law, Pastor Les Davies, has been dying. Glory for him, but a great
loss for us who were close to him. And then there is the ever persistent
challenge of old age, for Facebook will soon remind you that I have a birthday
coming up; while always we hear terrible news of suffering around the world. So
how can we obey this word?
God first told me to ‘face the future with confidence and
joy,’ as I was about to continue my journey into the remote Highlands of Papua New
Guinea. It had taken great courage to leave my family and everything I knew, to
leave UK and fly to Australia. Staying there for a month I became overwhelmed
by the thought of the vast distances that lay not only behind, but still before
But now God was asking me to step out with confidence and
joy. If you had said it, I would have replied, ‘It is all very well for you to
talk.’ But it wasn’t you, but God, who promises to always be with us. It is he
who enabled me then, and he will enable
each of us to face whatever lies before us in this New Year.
Now, it is not the vast distances across the Pacific and
the mountains of Papua New Guinea that I am facing, but just the drive, partly
motorway, up the Swansea Valley to attend my dear Brother in law’s
funeral. Surely the Lord will provide
someone to drive and look after this frail little old lady?
Yes, he is well able, but I know God does not want me to
think of myself as a frail little old lady. ‘As my days, so shall my strength
be.’ Moses didn’t begin his ministry until he was 80 and at 120 his strength
had not abated, so God is reminding me, still only 83 years young, not to think
of giving up but to share with you his admonition, to ‘face the future with confidence and joy.’
A whole New Year, but first,
just this day
To face with joy as we go on our
We’ve fresh air to breath and a
glad new song
To sing, and new fears we must
bid ‘Be-gone.’
New friends to greet but our old
ones to treasure
And always new blessings in richest
of measure
So we welcome this year knowing
life is for living
A gift from our God, always
loving and giving.