It took faith for me to begin publishing this blog (with
my pastor’s patient help) believing it would somehow prove a blessing. How
thrilled I was then to hear that it is now being read by friends I worked with
in Papua New Guinea over forty years ago.
Knowing I had a missionary call but not sure where God
was sending me, I read a scripture that said that if I came with all the desire
of my heart to the place God would choose, that I would serve with all those who
are already serving the Lord there.(Deut.18:6,7) And I did come, leaving my own
family and people behind, to find that I was accepted and loved and part of a
very special family.

The other day I was asked, ‘Are you still writing
‘Oh yes,’ I replied, then I laughed and told them, ‘I
have a little fountain inside me. They just keep coming.’
It is many years ago that my pastor in Ilford visited me.
Off sick, I was sitting in the garden sewing and he told me, ‘You should be
writing poetry or something.’ I didn’t think I could possibly write poetry, so
I decided on the ‘something.’ I wrote some short stories and I’m sure it
contributed to me regaining my health. (And just to encourage you writers, yes,
some of them were published, though not until thirty years later)
It was after I was married that I knew God was calling me
to write. I took courses and I had my first stories and then books published,
but it is comparatively recently I found the confidence to write poetry. No, I
am not a great poet. Far from it. But God makes my poems a blessing and now I
am often asked to write one for a special occasion. And yes, there is a little
fountain, for they just keep coming.
So now the Lord is reminding me, that that fountain is
not just for poetry, and more that poems, or blogs, or even novels, we need his
well of joy to spring up day by day.
It was while we were in New Guinea that we were
challenged to praise God in all circumstances. It was a lovely Lutheran
missionary who asserted this to us. We brought out our arguments but she
countered them all. Sometime later we read the book, ‘From Prison to Praise.’
Our lives were transformed.
Now, as I was wondering what to write that will prove a
blessing, I came across a story, - yes, from the Bible. The best stories of all
are found there. It is a very short incident towards the end of a very long
story – the story of a nation wandering for forty years in the wilderness. They
must be nearing their destination for now they are in the land of Moab. We know
on two occasions God had given them water out of a rock; water which flowed on
as a river, providing for this great nation as they travelled through the
desert. But now it seems that source had ceased.
The leaders are called to dig a well. They must have
known water was near, for they were digging with staffs, not shovels, but Moses
declared, ‘Spring up O well, sing ye into it.’
Singing is a wonderful remedy for depression, and it is
so important to praise God, and to speak and sing out his word, somehow to
activate the spring of joy Jesus promised those who believe in him..
It was while I was in Laiagam, New Guinea, that the Lord
taught me to apply a verse to my own situation and to say, ‘I am delighting
myself in you and you are giving me the desires of my heart.’ (Psa.37:4)
Recently I’ve needed some revision on that one. Being a widow doesn’t get
easier as the years pass, but God still has wells of joy to open for us, but –
yes – we have to do our share; to take our stave or shovels, or bibles even and dig and sing.
I’m going to bring this rambling blog to a conclusion by
adding my latest poem.
I got home from preaching Sunday night feeling depressed,
- or maybe just worn out, but Monday
morning, as I tried to praise the Lord I felt an up-springing of this fountain
and collected some paper to write. I hope it will make you laugh, and yes,
bless you as it blessed me.
‘How are you feeling?’
Oh, what shall I
Just tell them your fine
And then go on
your way
But I’m not feeling fine
It’s a lie to say
My legs feel like lead
I’ve lost my ‘get
up and go.’
Oh, just tell them your fine
No one’s wanting
to know
If you’re down in the dumps
And are
struggling with woe
Yet – yes, I am fine
And I’m glad that
you ask
And to know that you care
Gives me strength
for the task
God’s still in His heaven
He’s my strength
and my song
I’m alive and still breathing
So there’s not
too much wrong
So yes, ask how I’m feeling
And I’ll say,
yes, I am fine
For I’m still climbing mountains
One step at a
Sorry, - here is a P.S.
It was years before we came to PNG. Mary’s marriage was
on the rocks and her husband now was happy to blame all their marital troubles
onto the fact we were going to a Pentecostal church, though it was her
unhappiness which had driven her to
Having left her, he had now come to try to convince our
parents that we had gone to the devil. Not knowing the outcome, we felt
oppressed. Huddled in my bedroom, Mary
suddenly started to sing,
‘I’ve wondrous peace through trusting,
A well of joy within’
It leads on to the chorus,
‘To the uttermost Jesus saves.’
We sang the hymn right through. The well of living water
was springing up in our hearts.
It was many more years before God healed their marriage,
but we didn’t have to wait for this to know God’s joy.
Whatever our circumstances, may we all know this same
well springing up in our hearts – yes, even today.