Asked to write a review for Helena’s book, with a view to getting it published, I thought I would begin with you, who not only read but encourage me in the writing of my blog. Maybe there is someone you know who would be interested in reading this book?
Why not ask for it at your local library? They would order it for you and then it is on their shelves for others to borrow.
So, here is my review of Helena’s book.
‘Insight into Child and Adult Bullying', by Helena Wilkinson. Published by CWR. This book is one of the Waverley Abbey Insight Series, and should be made available as a resource for anyone with a heart for hurting people.
Bullying is a painful subject, but I was delighted to be asked to review this book. I had been horrified, as I read of Helena’s own experience of physical and emotional bullying when, as a small girl, she was sent to boarding school; bullying which left her struggling with eating disorders and which could well have caused her death. But God has delivered her and raised her up so that for many years she has had a ministry to others who have been suffering in similar ways.
‘Couldn’t something be done to prevent a recurrence of such terrible bullying?’ I had asked Helena. Surely she was equipped to take up such a crusade? It was then she told me she was working on this book. She has put years of study, research, and prayer too into its writing, and I pray it will become recognised and widely used as a helpful resource for those who may be coming alongside those suffering from bullying, or even those still struggling with this painful situation or who need healing from past memories.’
This is a book every one of us would do well to read, though it is necessarily a painful subject. Helena looks at bullying in school, work, church and relationships and addresses why people are targeted and why bullies bully. Not many of us have to face Goliaths, as David did, but the enemy is always out to undermine our confidence and in our own battles and those of others, especially our children, we need to know who we are in Christ, and that the Lord of Hosts is with us.